List of global options

Default value:A unit (=1) distribution function
Allowed values:Name of distribution function configuration object

Specifies the distribution function to use. Distribution functions are configured separately in their own @DistributionFunction environments. Only one distribution function can be set per simulation.

More details can be found on the page about @DistributionFunction.

Default value:no
Allowed values:Boolean

When enabled, keeps terms up to and including order \(\epsilon\) in all expressions. This means that guiding-center orbits drift, and that more accurate radiation models are used in the @Radiation tool.

Default value:__default__
Allowed values:Name of magnetic field configuration object

Specifies the magnetic field to use. Magnetic fields are configured separately in their own @MagneticField environments. Only one magnetic field can be set per simulation.

If this parameter is left unspecified, then SOFT will try to select a magnetic field automatically. If exactly one magnetic field has been defined in the configuration file, then SOFT will select that magnetic field. Otherwise, if zero or more than one magnetic field has been defined, SOFT will throw an error and exit.

More details can be found on the page about @MagneticField.

Default value:no
Allowed values:yes and no

If yes, outputs some information about the MPI communication to help debug MPI-related issues. This option is only available when SOFT2 has been compiled with MPI support.

Default value:OMP_NUM_THREADS
Allowed values:Any positive integer

Sets the number of OpenMP threads to run SOFT on. This value overrides the value specified in the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS. If unspecified, this parameter is set OMP_NUM_THREADS, which is typically equal to the number of threads available on your CPU, and will thus allow SOFT to utilize your CPU to the fullest.

Default value:__default__
Allowed values:Name of a particle generator configuration object

Specifes the particle generator (phase-space) to use. Particle generators are configured separately in their own @ParticleGenerator environments. Only one particle generator can be set per simulation.

If this parameter is left unspecified, then SOFT will try to select a particle generator automatically. If exactly one particle generator has been defined in the configuration file, then SOFT will select that particle generator. Otherwise, if zero or more than one particle generator has been defined, SOFT will throw an error and exit.

More details can be found on the page about @ParticleGenerator.

Default value:__default__
Allowed values:Name of a particle pusher configuration object

Specifies the particle pusher (orbit solver) to use. Particle pushers are configured separately in their own @ParticlePusher environments. Only one particle pusher can be set per simulation.

If this parameter is left unspecified, then SOFT will try to select a particle pusher automatically. If exactly one particle pusher has been defined in the configuration file, then SOFT will select that particle pusher. Otherwise, if zero or more than one particle pusher has been defined, SOFT will throw an error and exit.

More details can be found on the page about @ParticlePusher.