
This page collects a number of example SOFT simulations that you can use to learn how to run SOFT. The example pages show you the expected result and gives the necessary parameters to reproduce the result. You can then try to write a SOFT configuration script that properly reproduces the image, spectrum or figure. Each example comes with a complete solution as well.

All examples, along with plotting scripts, can be found in the examples/ subdirectory of the SOFT2 repository.




This example illustrates how guiding-center and particle orbits can be computed using the @Orbits module of SOFT.

Simulation time: Short

Check out: Orbits.

Radiation images


Basic synchrotron image

An example of a basic synchrotron radiation image.

Simulation time: Short

Check out: Basic synchrotron image


Synchrotron images from Zhou et al. (2014)

An example showing how to reproduce Figs. 5, 6 and 7 of Zhou et al., PoP 21 (2014).

Simulation time: Short

Check out: Synchrotron images from Zhou et al. (2014).


Full angular distribution of radiation

Run SOFT, taking the full angular distribution of radiation into account.

Simulation time: Medium

Check out Full angular distribution of radiation.


Bremsstrahlung images

Generate bremsstrahlung images

Simulation time: Short

Special output

Spectrometer output

Green’s function output


Green’s functions

Generate a SOFT Green’s function. This example illustrates how to generate a simple momentum-space Green’s function for computing total radiated power, but can be readily generalized for any set of Green’s function parameters.

Simulation time: Medium

Check out Green’s function output

Advanced input

Numeric magnetic field

Distribution function