Basic synchrotron image

A basic example of a script for generating a synchrotron radiation image.


Important points

As always, we must configure the following three modules:

In addition to these, we must also set up the tool to use. To generate a synchrotron image, we need to use the @Radiation module. This module further requires us to configure the following three sub-modules:

Example configuration

The following generates a Green’s function \(G(p_\parallel, p_\perp)\):

# Generate a basic single-particle
# synchrotron radiation image.

magnetic_field     = mf;
tools              = rad;

# Configuration of EAST-like magnetic equilibrium
@MagneticField mf (analytical) {
    B0     = 5;     # On-axis field strength (T)
    Rm     = 0.68;  # Major radius (m)
    rminor = 0.22;  # Minor radius (m)

    # Safety-factor
    qtype  = linear;
    qa1    = 2;
    qa2    = 1;

    sigmaB = ccw;

# Phase space grid
@ParticleGenerator PGen {
    a      = 0.0, 0.95, 600; # Normalized minor radius
    p      = 60, 60, 1;
    thetap = 0.2, 0.2, 1;

# Orbit generator
@ParticlePusher PPusher {
    nt = 2000;        # Number of timesteps per orbit (resolution parameter)

# Radiation tool
@Radiation rad {
    detector = det;

    ntoroidal   = 7000;    # No. of toroidal sections in tokamak (resolution parameter)
    model       = cone;    # Radiation model to use
    output      = image;   # List of configuration of output

# Detector properties
# Set up a tangentially viewing HXR camera.
@Detector det {
    aperture     = 0.006;
    position     = 0.68, -0.68, 0;
    direction    = 0, 1, 0;
    vision_angle = 0.78 fov;
    spectrum     = no;

# Radiation model
@RadiationModel cone (cone) {
    emission = synchrotron;

@RadiationOutput image (image) {
    pixels = 600;
    output = "data/image.mat";