
In a spatially uniform fully ionized plasma with constant electric field, when the runaway generation is dominated by the avalanche mechanism—i.e. by multiplication through large-angle collisions—an analytical expression can be found for the resulting runaway electron distribution function. This distribution function, which was first derived in [1], takes the form

\[f(p, \xi) = \frac{A(p)}{2\pi m_e c\gamma_0 p^2} \frac{\exp\left[ -\gamma/\gamma_0 - A(p)(1+\xi) \right]}{1 - \exp\left[-2A(p)\right]}\]


\[\begin{split}A(p) &= \frac{\hat{E} + 1}{Z_{\rm eff} + 1} \gamma,\\ \gamma_0 &= \log\Lambda\sqrt{Z_{\rm eff}+5}\end{split}\]

where \(p\) is the electron momentum, \(\xi = \cos\theta_{\rm p}\) the electron pitch with respect to the magnetic field, \(\gamma = \sqrt{1 + p^2}\), \(\hat{E}\) the electric field strength normalized to the threshold electric field, \(Z_{\rm eff}\) the plasma effective charge, \(\log\Lambda\) the plasma Coloumb logarithm, \(m_e\) the electron rest mass and \(c\) the speed of light in vacuum.

[1]Fülöp et al., 2006 “Destabilization of magnetosonic-whistler waves by a relativistic runaway beam”. Physics of Plasmas 13 (6), 062506 doi:10.1063/1.2208327.

Summary of options

The following parameters can be set on an avalanche distribution function.

Option Description
avalanche EHat Electric field strength, normalized to the threshold electric field.
avalanche lnLambda Coloumb logarithm of the plasma.
avalanche Zeff Plasma effective charge.
avalanche radprof Name of configuration block for radial profile.

Example configuration

This example illustrates how an analytical avalanche distribution function can be defined and used in SOFT2 simulations:

# Global parameter specifying which distribution function to use
distribution_function = analytical_avalanche;

@DistributionFunction analytical_avalanche (avalanche) {
    EHat     = 10;            # Electric field strength (normalized to
                              # the Connor-Hastie critical electric field)
    lnLambda = 17;            # Coulomb logarithm
    Zeff      = 4;             # Effective plasma charge

All options

Default value:None
Allowed values:Any real number

Electric field strength, normalized to the Connor-Hastie critical electric field.

Default value:None
Allowed values:Any real numer

Value of the Coulomb logarithm.

Default value:Uniform radial profile
Allowed values:Name of any defined @RadialProfile

Specifies the radial profile object to use to generate a radial profile.

Default value:None
Allowed values:Any real number

Effective plasma charge.