
The @RadiationOutput modules allow one to consider various radiation quantities, such as images, spectra, Green’s functions and more. At the moment, there are five different radiation output sub-modules available: (green), (image), (sovvolume), (space3d), (spectrum) and (topview).

Available sub-modules

Module name Output description
(green) Green’s/weight functions
(image) Camera images
(sovvolume) Calculate the surface-of-visibility volume.
(space3d) 3D maps of radiation
(spectrum) Radiation spectra
(topview) Tokamak topviews of radiation

Include common data

All @RadiationOutput modules support the common option, which allows you to specify which common/meta data to include in the output file. The value assigned to the option should be a list of names of the data objects to include in the file. The available options are shown in the table below.

Name Description
detectorAperture Detector size/aperture.
detectorDirection Detector viewing direction.
detectorPosition Detector position (relative to point-of-symmetry).
detectorVisang Detector vision angle (FOV).
domain Orbit solution domain. Either tokamak wall or separatrix.
param1 First momentum grid
param1name Name of first momentum grid parameter.
param2 Second momentum grid
param2name Name of second momentum grid parameter.
r Radial grid (major radius).
wall Alias for domain.

In addition to these, it is also possible to specify any of the options in the table below. Those options do not however represent single objects, such as those in the table above, but instead enables or disables bulks of objects to output.

Name Description
all Include all available objects in the output.
default Include the default objects in the output.
none Do not include any common output.

Additionally, it is possible to prefix any of the options in the first table with either a + or - to indicate whether the object should be included (+) or not (-). Options specified later overrides former ones, meaning that the line:

common = all -domain -wall

would include all the available objects in the output, except for the domain and wall objects. Similarly,

common = default none +domain

would first enable all default objects, then undo that option and remove all objects, and finally add the domain. Thus, the only common object in the output would be the domain object.

To see which common quantities are included with the default option, please consult the page of the relevant @RadiationOutput module.

Example configuration

Please, see the pages for each sub-module for examples of how to configure each of them.

Note that several @RadiationOutput modules can be used with each @Radiation module. Just specify the name of each output module to use, separated by spaces or commas, in the @Radiation configuration block:

@Radiation rad {
    output = outModule1 outModule2 outModule3;
    # ...or...
    output = outModule1,outModule2,outModule3;
    # ...or even...
    output = outModule1, outModule2, outModule3;

To specify which common quantities to include, the option common should be included in the appropriate @RadiationOutput configuration block:

@RadiationOutput outModule1 (XXX) {
    common = default +domain;