
The cone radiation model is based on the cone approximation, which makes the assumption that all radiation is emitted exactly along the velocity vector of the particle. This assumption can be very useful for studying the radiation from highly relativistic particles.

Summary of options

Option Description
@RadiationModel(cone) emission Type of radiation emission to model.
@RadiationModel(cone) n (Bremsstrahlung emission only) List of plasma species densities.
@RadiationModel(cone) projection Which projection method to use for the cone model.
@RadiationModel(cone) Z (Bremsstrahlung emission only) List of plasma species atomic numbers.
@RadiationModel(cone) Z0 (Bremsstrahlung emission only) List of plasma species net charges.

Example configuration

The following example configures a cone model for bremsstrahlung in a deuterium-tritium-tungsten plasma:

@RadiationModel ourModel (cone) {
    emission = bremsstrahlung;
    Z        = 1, 1, 74;
    Z0       = 1, 1, 72;
    n        = 5e19;

All options

Default value:None
Allowed values:bremsstrahlung, bremsstrahlung_screened, synchrotron or unit

Specifies the type of radiation emission to model. The four available types of radiation are bremsstrahlung, bremsstrahlung_screened, synchrotron and unit. The first two model bremsstrahlung, the latter taking the effect of screening of the nuclei into account. The third model synchrotron radiation, while unit is a type of radiation that is one everywhere. Note that the radiation is assumed to be emitted exactly along the velocity vector of the particle so that unit is very different from the :ref:module-rm-isotropic` radiation model. The unit emission type rather has more similarities with the bremsstrahlung emission type.

Default value:None
Allowed values:A list of real values.

Specifies the density to use for each plasma ion species when calculating the emitted electron-ion bremsstrahlung.

Default value:reverse
Allowed values:reverse (or original)

The cone model relies on a projection of either the guiding-center cone onto the detector plane, or the detector surface onto the guiding-center velocity orthogonal plane. The original projection does the former, while the reverse projection does the latter.

Note that the original model at the time of writing contains a bug and should be avoided.

Default value:None
Allowed values:A list of real values.

Specifies the effective plasma charge to use for each plasma ion species when calculating the emitted electron-ion bremsstrahlung.

Default value:None
Allowed values:A list of real values.

Specifies the plasma net charge to use for each plasma ion species when calculating the emitted electron-ion bremsstrahlung.