
The @RadiationOutput module stores the 3D position of any electron emitting radiation directly at the detector, effectively creating a three-dimensional map of the origin of the radiation.

Directed radiation, such as bremsstrahlung and synchrotron radiation from relativistic electrons, can only be observed when the emitting electron is moving towards the detector. This is expressed in the equation

\[\hat{\boldsymbol{b}}(\boldsymbol{x}) \cdot \frac{\boldsymbol{x} - \boldsymbol{X}}{\left| \boldsymbol{x}-\boldsymbol{X} \right|} = \cos\theta_{\rm p},\]

where \(\hat{\boldsymbol{b}}\) denotes the magnetic field unit vector, \(\boldsymbol{x}\) is the position of the particle, \(\boldsymbol{X}\) is the detector’s position and \(\theta_{\rm p}\) denotes the particle’s pitch angle at \(\boldsymbol{x}\). The solution to this equation is the so-called surface-of-visibility, which can be studied using the Space3D module.

Summary of options

Option Description
@RadiationOutput(space3d) common List of common quantities to include in the output file.
@RadiationOutput(space3d) output Name of output file to generate.
@RadiationOutput(space3d) pixels Number of pixels in each dimension.
@RadiationOutput(space3d) point0 First edge point of pixel box.
@RadiationOutput(space3d) point1 Second edge point of pixel box.

Specification of pixel box

The Space3D output module creates a 3D histogram of where radiation that reached the detector was emitted from. The histogram is generated in a subset of space that is defined by the pixel box, illustrated below.


This box is defined by its two edge points, point0 and point1, indicated as red dots in the figure above, which specify its width, height and depth. The number of cells, or “pixels”, in the box is the same in each direction, and each cell records the radiation emitted from its region of space.


One can think of the coordinates of each point as the “minimum” and “maximum” points respectively of the region to record. Thus, it is a good idea to always have point0 be element-wise smaller (or larger) than point1, i.e.

\[P^{(0)}_i < P^{(1)}_i, \quad i = x,y,z\]

Example configuration

The following example configures a Space3D output module to generate a surface-of-visibility consisting of \(100^3\) cells:

@RadiationOutput ourSpace3D (space3d) {
    output = "ourSpace3D.h5";
    pixels = 100;
    #         X      Y      Z
    point0 =  0.92, -1.06, -0.68;
    point1 =  2.21,  0.60,  0.48;

Output file structure

The output file contains the following variables:

Variable Description
image Pixel box/resulting image/histogram.
pixels Number of pixels per dimension.
xmin The x-component of point0.
xmax The x-component of point1.
ymin The y-component of point0.
ymax The y-component of point1.
zmin The z-component of point0.
zmax The z-component of point1.

Common quantities

By default, no common quantities are included with output generated by this module. To add common quantities, use the @RadiationOutput(space3d) common option.

All options

Default value:none
Allowed values:See the list on @RadiationOutput.

Specifies which “common quantities” to include in the output file. A full list of possible options is given on @RadiationOutput.

Default value:Nothing
Allowed values:Any valid file name.

Specifies the name of the output file to generate. The file name extension determines the type of the generated file.

Default value:Nothing
Allowed values:Any positive integer.

The number of pixels per dimension in the pixel box.

Default value:Nothing
Allowed values:Any vector in 3D space.

Coordinates of the two edge points defining the pixel box. By convention, we usually assign the lower limits of each coordinate to point0 and upper limits to point1.